
Data sets used Kernel Smoothing may be obtained from the links tabulated below.
Documentation is provided using the R language format. Non-users of R should ignore the R commands.

Brief description Section first mentioned Text file R documentation
Ages and incomes of CanadiansSection 1.1 data documentation
Birthweights of infants with respiratory diseaseSection 1.2 data documentation
Incomes of United Kingdom citizensSection 2.1 data documentation
Geyser eruption durationsSection 3.2 data documentation
Earthquake epicentre locationsSection 4.2 data documentation
Shrub widths in WyomingSection 6.2 data documentation
Monthly sunspot numbersSection 6.4 data documentation
Birthweights and survival proportionsSection 6.5 data documentation
Volcanic eruptions in the Northern HemisphereSection 6.6 data documentation

© M.P. Wand and M.C. Jones 1995