
During the first few years after Semiparametric Regression was published the authors provided code for various procedures in the book. Some of it has become dated and the companion R language book has the most up-to-date advice on code within the R and Stan languages. However, on this web-page we still provide our older code even though some of it has not be tested for a while. We also point to some relevant journal articles.

BUGS code
The following articles provide illustrations of semiparametric regression in the BUGS language:

Crainiceanu, C., Ruppert, D. and Wand, M.P. (2005).
Bayesian Analysis for Penalized Spline Regression Using WinBUGS.
Journal of Statistical Software, Volume 14, Issue 14, 1-24.
[PDF file]

Marley, J.K. and Wand, M.P. (2010).
Non-Standard Semiparametric Regression via BRugs.
Journal of Statistical Software, Volume 37, Issue 5, 1-30.
[ PDF file, code and data]

Matlab code
This ZIP archive file contains basic functions for penalized spline fitting.

R code
This set of examples R corresponding to the short-course on semiparametric regression given in Pittsburgh, U.S.A., in March 2004. The 9 files below comprise the 4 data files, a required support function and 4 script files.
fossil.dat ozone-calif.dat sitka-spruce.dat union-wage.dat default.knots.r fossil.Rs ozone-calif.Rs sitka-spruce.Rs union-wage.Rs

SAS code
The macros given in Section B.3.3 of Semiparametric Regression are in this text file.
This ZIP archive file contains a set of SAS examples corresponding to the short-course on semiparametric regression given in Pittsburgh, U.S.A., in March 2004.
The following article provide illustration of semiparametric regression in the SAS language:

Ngo, L. and Wand, M.P. (2004).
Smoothing with Mixed Model Software.
Journal of Statistical Software, Volume 9, Issue 1, 1-54.
[PDF file, code and data]

© D. Ruppert, M.P. Wand and R.J. Carroll 2003